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Do you know that you can sell any of the products yourself and earn up to 2.5% of the listed price and more on qualified products and services? This offer is available to registered members upgraded to Independent Business Entrepreneur (IBE) only. IBE members may make up to 50% of MSRP on the hard-copy of furniture catalog listings. If you want to own your own business, call toll free 1-800-792-3126 Ext 100 for details.

Join or Start your own Business

You can join or start your own business now by purchasing the membership of any of the: Basic, Bronze, Silver or Gold channel partnership program. You can upgrade at anytime and pay the difference, but you cannot downgrade. Payment is non-refundable after three (3) days cool-off period before your materials are produced. Refund policies does not apply to this membership. You can leave at anytime without any refund and after one year of inactivity, your membership expires by default. Only eligible and qualified members after Gold are elevated to higher levels at the discretion of the corporate decision maker(s).

100 U. S. dollar Upgrade & Payment

100 U. S. dollar Upgrade & Payment

This is where you can upgrade or make payments for products or services not included in the category listing. Please state what the payment is for...

Basic Channel Partner Program

Basic Channel Partner Program

Basic Channel Partner Register today to take advantage of this program which will transform your life. You can just refer a customer and you will...

Bronze Channel Partner Program

Bronze Channel Partner Program

Bronze Channel Partner You can start your own business today by upgrading to Independent Business Entrepreneurship and Ownership Program. You can...

Gold Channel Partner Program

Gold Channel Partner Program

Gold Channel Partner Membership includes Basic + Bronze + Silver + opportunity to get business card as a consultant and can represent us and must...

Silver Channel Partner Program-

Silver Channel Partner Program-

Silver Channel Partner This membership benefits includes Basic + Bronze + opportunity to work as contractors in any capacity of your choice where you...



If you can find the product you are looking for at Amazon, Walmart, Ikea, Staple, Office Depot, Home Depot, Lowe or any like store, you won't find it in our store. Sorry! We only sale grade A or commercial quality. If you find any product sold in the above store mills or like mass production stores, we have asked the manufacturer to harden it or it is custom made to grade A or commercial quality. We only sale the highest quality and provide the highest standard service possible. Remember, price does not often translate to quality and quality does not always equal to higher price. ETHIC (www.usqualities.com) = Quality = More Quality = Perfection = Qualifier. We are qualified to serve you!

Refer a customer and you will receive a check in the mail in the amount that may be up to 2.5% of the customer’s purchase price before tax on qualified items or services. You have to be a registered member to earn the reward.

Have you seen ...

Do you know that you can sell any of the products yourself and earn up to 2.5% of the listed price and more on qualified products and services? This offer is available to registered members upgraded to Independent Business Entrepreneur (IBE) only. IBE members may make up to 50% of MSRP on the hard-copy of furniture catalog listings. If you want to own your own business, call toll free 1-800-792-3126 Ext 100 for details.



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