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Refer a customer and you will receive a check in the mail in the amount that may be up to 2.5% of the customer’s purchase price before tax on qualified items or services. You have to be a registered member to earn the reward.

Silver Channel Partner Program-


Silver Channel Partner

This membership benefits includes Basic + Bronze + opportunity to work as contractors in any capacity of your choice where you demonstrated competencies and skills to perform efficiently, effectively, and excellently. You can convert your skills, training, education or experiences into income making tool, e.g. housewife or nursing mom providing a help-desk customer services, editing or designing websites, retired person doing graphic design work or typesetting documents or data entry, disabled person typing academic dissertation or capstone projects/research documents, or recovering professional performing content management, business plans or writing blogs for us or our clients. We are all about human development and adding value to the life of our members. Member may become a supervisor (at corporate discretion, based on performance, and merit) after 50 hours of training and will be paid for all approved time worked for us.
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If you can find the product you are looking for at Amazon, Walmart, Ikea, Staple, Office Depot, Home Depot, Lowe or any like store, you won't find it in our store. Sorry! We only sale grade A or commercial quality. If you find any product sold in the above store mills or like mass production stores, we have asked the manufacturer to harden it or it is custom made to grade A or commercial quality. We only sale the highest quality and provide the highest standard service possible. Remember, price does not often translate to quality and quality does not always equal to higher price. ETHIC (www.usqualities.com) = Quality = More Quality = Perfection = Qualifier. We are qualified to serve you!

Refer a customer and you will receive a check in the mail in the amount that may be up to 2.5% of the customer’s purchase price before tax on qualified items or services. You have to be a registered member to earn the reward.

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Refer a customer and you will receive a check in the mail in the amount that may be up to 2.5% of the customer’s purchase price before tax on qualified items or services. You have to be a registered member to earn the reward.



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